Can tattoos hide stretch marks or will they still be noticeable? - where do tattoos not stretch
I have to hide stretch marks around my back and a tattoo sides.I plan with both sides of the waist like a belt around it.I lost the weight I've really stretch marks. Good idea or what?
After tattoo is not the best solution for stretch marks and still perceptible. Fortunately, there are many other ways to troubleshoot the problem of stretch marks.
There are many stretch marks treatment on the market today. Some treatments are more effective in fading or even eliminating, depending on stretch marks, but successful treatment of two different things. Firstly, color and age of the grooves. If you have little flesh color they are much harder to heal. Secondly, ethnicity and heredity play a role in which creams, oils and other products or equipment to succeed in healing stretch marks are.
The cheapest stretch mark treatment are creams made especially for stretch marks. The most effective creams contain ingredients such as cocoa butter, lanolin and wheat germ oil. These creams to heal and rebuild damaged skin. Although they do not completely eliminate the ability, stretch marks, can at least get rid of stretch marks with a barely visible scar. A good recommendation isPalmer Cocoa Butter Cream.
If you are interested in an efficient way to get rid of stretch marks can be read from this site ABT: ...
You can to see, and people are much more visible, because look at his tattoo.
I hope that helped
It looks worse if you tried a tattoo for my friend, dont do it get
Tightening of the strip, look at this .......... If the grooves rough, cool, how much more are gross tattoos?
I accept the note. unless you get a place on the friction of the skin.
I accept the note. unless you get a place on the friction of the skin.
I hate stretch marks thehave ruined my fun tattoo. Through them I can not tattoos in certain areas, as well as for you.
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